How to sign up for your free week:
1. Click HERE to register. There is no charge and no credit card requirement.
2. You will receive an email from us; please respond to the email to set up a time and date for your first class. In the email, please let us know your background, if any, in martial arts and combat sports. If you have no experience in the martial art taught the day of your first class, start with an Introductory class; these run from 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. each weekday. If you have significant experience in the martial art taught that day, you can start with a fundamentals class; these run from 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. each weekday. The weekday schedule is as follows:
•Monday, no-gi jiu-jitsu (Introduction 5-6 p.m., or if you have experience Fundamentals 6-7 p.m.)
•Tuesday, MMA (Introduction 5-6 p.m., or if you have experience Fundamentals 6-7 p.m.)
•Wednesday, wrestling/jiu-jitsu (Introduction 5-6 p.m., or if you have experience Fundamentals 6-7 p.m.)
•Thursday, kickboxing (Introduction 5-6 p.m., or if you have experience Fundamentals 6-7 p.m.)
•Friday, no-gi jiu-jitsu (Introduction 5-6 p.m., or if you have experience Fundamentals 6-7 p.m.)
Please try to arrive around 15 minutes early to familiarize yourself with NESF via a brief tour. Let the front desk know your name, and that you are starting your free trial. If you’re feeling a little nervous about attending your first class, that’s normal. However, the gym vibe is friendly and welcoming.
If you cannot make any of the listed times, please contact us HERE, and we will work with your schedule.
What Should I Wear?
For your first week, wear any clothing that allows for unencumbered motion, is comfortable for hard work, and does not have zippers, buttons, pockets, or rivets that could potentially cause discomfort or even injury to your training partners.
Top Options:
•T-shirt (short or long sleeve, but the latter is generally preferable)
•Rash guard-style spandex top (short or long sleeve will work, but long is preferable)
Pants Options:
•Athletic shorts
•MMA/grappling shorts
•Rash guard-style pants (spats)
•Gi pants
In addition to appropriate clothing, it is highly recommended that you bring a water bottle. If it runs out, you can refill for free from our filtration system.
NESF is located at 460 West Street, suite #11, in Amherst. The entrance is on the back side of the building, and is marked by a sign. Use the left-side parking lot (not the right-side lot by the convenience store).
We are on the 36 and 38 PVTA bus routes.
Free Week Details:
•Runs seven consecutive calendar days from your first class (not from when you sign up online);
•Available only to local residents (within driving distance) and students attending any of the five colleges, or one the area’s several boarding schools;
•Available only to first-time visitors; and,
•Cannot be split, paused, or shared.
The free week at NESF is a free week, not a deceptive marketing gimmick. A notorious bad practice in the gym business is advertising a “free” week to get customers in the door, and then offering a one-time “discount” to not actually try the place out but instead make a long commitment on the spot. At NESF, before paying a nickel, we want you to try out some classes, see if the fit is right for you, and then make the right, informed choice.
That said, some people have developed a genuine familiarity with NESF through friends who are members, or have enough experience in the jiu-jitsu and MMA space to know simply by observing a class that it’s where they want to train. If that’s the case, and you want to skip the free week, you can come in, sign up, take your first class, and you will get a free rash guard.
If you have any further questions or concerns about the FREE Week or any other relevant subject, please reach out to us HERE.